Do You or Your Clients Want a Change?
Are you planning new goals and challenges for 2023? Are your clients asking you how they can freshen their style for 2023? Many people in the new year have plans and projects they want to accomplish and gaining more self-confidence may be one of them.
Feeling good and looking good can boost self-confidence and can contribute to helping us reach our other goals and dreams.
The good news is that hair color is a fast and easy way to transform your style and look, lift mood and get that 2023 self-confidence boost!
Color Recommendations!
Gone are the days when everyone had to pore over hair color charts! In 2023 the virtual hair color try on is everything - simple, and fun it’s an easy to use way to find and recommend hair color shades. While there are plenty on the market we love the Garnier shade selector for ease of use and fun.
Hair Color Shades to Look Out for in 2023
According to top hair stylists from the Zoe Report warm colors are going to be popular in 2023 and there will be a move away from cooler icier tones.
Brunette shades with golden highlights are trending, and ‘Winter Gold’ is predicted to be a hot vibe for 2023.
The Winter Gold effect is a brown shade featuring subtle pops of gold throughout the hair. “It’s a softer, subdued hue. The gold highlights have a muted warm golden tone to them (without any red or orange undertones) on brunettes, whereas on blondes, the effect is a dusty gold,” shares hair colorist and stylist George Papanikolas.

With the widest range of shades ever seen in the Salon Industry there is a hair color shade for every look, age group, and TikTok trend!
ProAddiction and Color
Can ProAddiction be used in collaboration with hair color?
The answer is YES! ProAddiction Treatment is so hair friendly it can be applied on the same day as color. Color is applied after the treatment is done.
ProAddiction and Highlights: Does ProAddiction ruin highlights or balayage?
The answer is no! ProAddiction will not ruin highlights or balayage! On the contrary, ProAddiction revitalizes and nourishes hair! We recommend clients get their highlights done before doing ProAddiction. The ProAddiction Hair Straightening treatment process is fuss free; cut, color, and style can be done on the same day.
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