SOLIKA is a hair treatment that offers a variety of benefits to improve the health and appearance of your client's hair without changing the hair's natural texture.
The key features of SOLIKA include:
1. Unique Blend of Oils and Nutrients: SOLIKA contains a special combination of oils and nutrients that work together to provide multiple benefits for the hair.
2. Softness, Silkiness, and Shine: SOLIKA makes hair feel soft, silky, and shiny, which can enhance the overall look and feel of your hair.
3. Keratin Shell Protection: SOLIKA builds a keratin shell around the hair strands. Keratin is a protein that is naturally found in hair and provides structural support. This shell will protect the hair from the damaging effects of the sun's heat and other harmful substances.
4. Collagen and Nutrition: Collagen is a protein known for its role in maintaining hair's hydration. The nutritional components in SOLIKA will contribute to improving the overall condition of the hair.
5. Ease of Combing and Styling: The product's blend of nutrients, oils, and collagen may work to soften the hair, making it easier to comb and style, reducing the risk of breakage and damage during styling.
6. Post-Chemical Treatment Care: SOLIKA is highly recommended to be used as a treatment after chemical processes like coloring or bleaching.
7. Regular Maintenance: The product can also be used as a regular treatment every few weeks to maintain healthy hair and protect the hair cuticles.
SOLIKA comes in a syringe for direct application.